The mystery planes

Commercial aircraft are identified by two numbers:
(1) Flight numbers assigned by airline companies as part of their flight schedules for particular routes on particular days.
(2) Tail numbers affixed to each aircraft that stay with that plane at all times regardless of their assigned flight number.
Here are both sets of numbers for the 9/11 aircraft:
Flight AA 11 (N334AA)
Flight UA 175 (N612UA)
Flight UA 93 (N591UA)
Flight 77 (N644AA).
Blogger Aidan Monaghan has made an FOI request of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics which keeps records of all US commercial airline flights.
The BTS has confirmed that the planes N334AA, N612UA and N591UA were not flown commercially anywhere in the US for nine months prior to 911.
They provided no response about N644AA.
This is an official confirmation that 3 of the hijacked planes on 9/11 had been out of commercial service for a full nine months before they were hijacked. On their very first day back in service all 3 planes were hijacked and destroyed. What are the chances of that? And what is the explanation for what these planes were doing for those hidden nine months?
And even the Flight numbers are suspect. According to Wikipedia:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).
Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day.
Remarkably, this Wiki amendment can be sourced to American Airlines itself!
It gets worse. Aidan Monaghan made a July 18, 2008 FOI request to the National Transportation Safety Board which revealed that they possessed no records indicating how wreckage recovered from the crashed aircraft was positively identified as belonging to the 4 planes reportedly hijacked that day or even if such wreckage was positively identified at all. The NTSB took no steps to confirm the identies of the crashed aircraft of 911, steps they were required to undertake by Federal statute. Instead, the appear to have relied on assurances from FBI officials supervising the crash sites that the aircraft were the ones they claimed.
So we have three major anomalies:
(1) The missing nine months of flights N334AA, N612UA and N591UA.
(2) The confirmation from American Airlines that Flights 11 and 77 simply do not appear on any flight schedules for Sept 11.
(3) No statutory confirmation of the identity of any of the crashed planes.
What we have here is kabuki, a form of theatre in which the US public have been told a story of what happened on 911 with no independent check of the details. We simply have no clear proof of what planes flew or crashed on 911.
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