BBC Has Lost Tapes Of 21st Century's Defining Moment

9/11 coverage gone due to "cock up". Why is this not a world news headline?
It has come to light this week that the most pre-eminent broadcasting company in the world has lost the original recordings of its output for the entire day on September 11th 2001, just over five years on, yet no major news agency has even bothered to report the fact.
Despite being currently the biggest story on the internet and in the alternative media, the only place in the mainstream the story has appeared is on a small German news website.
Email the BBC HERE Add this in the comments box not forgetting to say you are referring to wtc 7 etc; "As a citizen of the UK and a BBC license payer I demand an explanation as to what has happened to at least three copies of BBC news footage of a moment in time that will define history. I want to know PRECISE DETAILS of when the tapes were last checked, how they could have simply vanished and who is ultimately responsible and so should all other UK residents."
Thank you to Steve Watson atINFOWARS.NET
It has come to light this week that the most pre-eminent broadcasting company in the world has lost the original recordings of its output for the entire day on September 11th 2001, just over five years on, yet no major news agency has even bothered to report the fact.
Despite being currently the biggest story on the internet and in the alternative media, the only place in the mainstream the story has appeared is on a small German news website.
Email the BBC HERE Add this in the comments box not forgetting to say you are referring to wtc 7 etc; "As a citizen of the UK and a BBC license payer I demand an explanation as to what has happened to at least three copies of BBC news footage of a moment in time that will define history. I want to know PRECISE DETAILS of when the tapes were last checked, how they could have simply vanished and who is ultimately responsible and so should all other UK residents."
Thank you to Steve Watson atINFOWARS.NET
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